“Industrious children make industrious adults,” my mom used to say as she encouraged my sister and I to help around the house and yard when we were growing up. And it seems like there might be some truth to her statement. It appears early habits and behaviors may help shape an individual’s future actions and attitudes. Children who learn how to work hard, be diligent, and take responsibility for their actions are more likely to continue these habits into adulthood.
Research has also shown that children who learn to set goals and strive to achieve them are more likely to succeed in school, have better self-esteem, and experience greater satisfaction in their careers as adults.
Jenni and I have always given our girls age-appropriate tasks such as setting the table, folding laundry, or cleaning their room to help them build a foundation for a lifetime of self-sufficiency. In addition, we believe involving the girls in household tasks and projects can also help build a sense of teamwork and unity within the family. When everyone pitches in and works together, it can create a sense of accomplishment and pride in a job well done.

With that said, it’s time to get outside and get some outdoor chores done to build that family camaraderie. I’ve pulled together a list of 14 things we’re going to accomplish, while spending quality time together as a family. Instead of seeing chores as a tedious and an unpleasant task, we’re going to use them as an opportunity to bond with our girls even further, while teaching them some valuable life skills.
- Building a birdhouse or feeder
- Making an outdoor bird bath
- Making outdoor steppingstones
- Laying down a new piece of sod
- Picking up sticks and other yard debris
- Pruning trees
- Spreading mulch
- Weeding
- Turning compost

- Planting flowers and vegetables

- Cleaning yard furniture
- Mowing the grass
- Filling outdoor bird feeders

- Watering the plants
In conclusion, encouraging our girls to help out around the house is a win-win situation for both us and our children. By teaching them important life skills, building a sense of family teamwork and unity, instilling a strong work ethic, and spending quality time together, we believe we’re helping our girls to become responsible, self-sufficient, and successful adults in the future. The additional bonus? We had fun doing it and even created a fun, family video!